Where to go for help...
Broadland District Council
To access planning applications click here
To check bin collections click here
Norfolk Council Council
To find out about public transport including bus timetables click here
To contact Norfolk Highways to report problems or find out information about the road network, click here
Activities at the Pavilion
10am Yoga with Norwich Yoga
10am - 2pm Stay and Play plus Community Cafe (contact Social Moments Enterprise)
10am Yoga with Norwich Yoga
5.30pm Rainbows
7.30pm Dynamic Dance
9.30am Dynamic Dance - Diddi Dance for pre-schoolers
9.45am Dynamic Dance - Diddi Dance for pre-schoolers
The pavilion is open and taking bookings for organised activites and private functions
We currently have
5 Parish Councillor
We are looking for new and long standing residents to join the parish council.
Do you have any of the following?
A passion for our community and want to see the best outcomes, or generally interested and want to be involved?
No long term commitment is required. Give as much or as little time you can.
Come and join us and help shape our community.
Find out more about the role by watching this video